Back in 2011, I had the pleasure of working with John Levy at John Levy Consulting to revamp his business website following the guidelines in Robert Middleton’s Website Toolkit. Since launching the site at the end of 2011, John made a commitment to post new content to his blog on a regular basis.
Curious to hear a first-hand account about the value of consistent blogging, I asked John for his thoughts on the 3 questions below.
What impact has blogging had on your business?
John: It has led to additional subscribers to my email list. More significantly, it has helped me to focus on the questions that my potential client base has about IT and technology in general.
Have there been any unexpected benefits as a result of your blog?
John: Positive feedback from my subscribers and others who have read the blog. Also, I have used blog articles as items to send out to potential clients, including VP-level executives who might not subscribe to the blog, but are open to having their assistant receive the article and “put it on their desk.”
What is your favorite part of blogging? (Or phrased another way, what do you get out of the blogging process/experience?)
John: As above, focus on interesting questions my clients have. Also, it lead me to think about key questions in my field, and to formulate a set of webinars that I’ve started offering. I start with a question from a list I created, then let the question evolve as I outline a response. Then I write the blog. Sometimes this means also researching what others have said about the subject. All in all, I enjoy writing, and the blog writing keeps me coming back to the point of view of my clients about IT.
What’s Your Experience?
I found it really interesting how John’s biggest benefit was how blogging focused his thoughts around his clients’ most pressing questions (and even helped him develop new webinar content).
How about you? Tell us why you blog and what impact or benefit blogging has had on your business in the comments below!
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